Heroclixin'...Back from the ice like Cap.

Sorry, readers, for missing so many days of updates! I was unusually busy back in the week when this series started. Then my DSL modem catastrophically failed (turns out it had been recalled years ago, so I got a free replacement). Then I had to scrape up cash to catch up on my internet bill.

When it rains, right?

Let’s get back on track with a double dose of Morrison’s guest Soldier review: Elite Corps and Tactical Commanders!


In every branch of military, there exists an elite corp: the Navy Seals, Army Green Berets, Air Force Special Forces, SOCOM. HeroClix has one, too. Morrison rouses ’em for inspection.


Elite Corps

These guys are your shock troops: the boys you call in when you need to lay down some hurt hard and fast.

Noh-Varr (Web of Spider-Man #038)

Very soon after Web of Spider-Man’s release, people felt the power of this guy. He brings solid stats and great powers. He plays well on many keyword themes, or you can give them all away for a permanent attack boost.


War Machine (Hammer of Thor #200)
V War Machine (Armor Wars #069)

People who read my earlier Armor review remember these two quite well. And what’s not to love? (interestingly enough, the older, lower point figure actually has a higher average defense, 16.5, vs 16.125)


Ares (Avengers #054)

Honestly, if his sky-high stats and SP Perplex don’t make you drool, I don’t know what will. Just remember to bring a taxi, and kill the medic and the Outwitter first.


Finally, he finishes off the Soldiers with a look at the Tactical Commanders: These guys may not hit the hardest, but they give you a some phenomenal options and power sets in higher point matches.

Uncle Sam (Crisis #035)

Sure, at times he might be inconsistent, and maybe a bit big for his britches, but Uncle Sam at heart is about one thing: to help the little guy. His stats are ok for his points but he’s a great captain for large point swarm teams with his high-point Leadership. And trust me, “Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor” is a phenomenal power. With some good set up, look forward to increasing, not decreasing his attack when using the Move And Attack ability.


John Stewart (DC 75th Anniversary #046)

Some look at this figure and see only bad dial design: no move and attack and Sharpshooter and Ranged Combat Expert coupled with Super Strength, but such a view is a discredit to John. His “problem” is that he has two roles: taxi and powerful ranged attacker. If played right, your opponent should quake at the presence of an 11 attack, 5 damage, 8 range figure with Indomitable. After he takes a hit, for say 3-4 damage (as most hits are these days) he turns into super-taxi: 11 movement, decent value defend, and he gives everybody he’s carrying ES/D. Think of him as a versatile landing craft.


Green Lantern (Crisis #023)

Hal also tries to stand firmly in both the attacker and the support camps, with Running Shot and Willpower vs Perplex, Telekinesis and GL TA. With 5 clicks of 10 range double target Energy Explosion, consider giving him Green Lantern Honor Guard to help soften enemies up for you smaller GL figures.


Kilowog (Green Lantern Gravity Feed #003)

Just like in the comics, Kilowog likes being around others. Charge him to whale on some pesky opponents then next turn, have him in the rear of a wall of low-point soldiers, who are having both their damage and attack raised by 1. The only thing that could have made this figure better would have been GL TA, which would have made Kilowog superb to the highest level.


And that, readers, wraps up Morrison’s original set of mini-reviews.

“But,” you ask, “we’re there a few more Soldiers released for the Captain America set while you were goofing off these past couple of weeks that should be on the list?”

First, I was NOT goofing off. :) Second, yes, Morrison is already writing an addendum for this series. Look for it next Friday.

Monday, I finally begin a new feature unique to Heroclixin’ to replace the My Custom Mods series that wrapped up late this spring. Tuesday, Token-Totin’ resumes. Wednesday, look for a New Comic Day Battle Report. In the meantime, have fun clixing this weekend!

Aaagh! My modem self-destructed, so I’ve essentially been without internet for the past half-week. I’m just glad I decided to post the Captain America pocket checklist a bit early instead of waiting.

Hopefully, I’ll be able to complete Morrison’s guest Soldier reviews starting next Monday, then return to Token Totin’ with a brand-new Captain America edition. Keep an eye out for it!

EDIT: Unfortunately, technical difficulties persist. It looks like I won’t get back on schedule until next Monday (July 25) at the very earliest. In the meantime, you might want to re-download the Cap pocket checklist, as the original one had a couple of errors (Hydra Agent is called simply “Hydra” and Baron Zemo’s cost is incorrectly listed as 158 instead his actual 150).

First off, an apology to readers: I thought I’d scheduled the battle report I promised last time just in case I did get entirely sidetracked like I suspected I might. You’ll see that article next Wednesday…guaranteed.

Although this probably isn’t news to most of my readers who frequent both Heroclixin’ and HCRealms: yours truly was voted the winner of the HCRealms T-shirt design contest late last summer, with this design and slogan:

Really, though, it was the slogan that people loved more than the design, which stings me a bit, being a professional graphic designer. (But I’m also a professional writer, so it balances out.) Indeed, some folks actively hated the design, making the contest sponsor a little uncertain what direction to go in.

The irony is that I’d only done the orange version on a whim and suggestion by a voter. Here’s the actual original design that somehow got lost or overlooked in the submissions:

Better, but the same issues remain, I think. I did a final revision that addressed my problems with the original design:

But the sponsor felt that even this didn’t quite scream “buy me” enough, and the use of the silhouetted figures treaded too closely to copyright infringement for his comfort. So he chose to go with another designer’s take on the same idea, and this was the result:

Yes. I approve.

Even though I get a free shirt as winner, I’m buying this, too. :)  If my own design hadn’t won, I’d intended to print one for myself. Now, I don’t think I’d bother.

Go to the poll at www.hcrealms.com and register your preferred shirt size and buy one or more!


OK. As I write this, the midnight showing of “Thor” is a few scant hours away. Depending on how well I like the film, I might be trying out some Asgard-themed teams in the near future. We’ll see.

Sorry for the light content so far this week. I’m preparing a double-decker Top Ten article for next week that will hopefully make up for it: the 10 biggest winners and losers among the 2011 Rulebook and PAC changes.

In the meantime, I may get another Token-Totin’ pic on tomorrow, and maybe another F.U.N. review for Friday. Drop in and see!