That handy reference for my favorite 140-something figs of the 2010s had me wondering: How much better — or worse — would these get with the changes to HeroClix in 2021? Well, I examined that, figuring the modification of these old favorites’ playability.

Now I’m looking again after the 2023 rules have changed the game. A number of basic shifts:

  • Super Strength got MUCH better.
  • Quake changed.
  • Every non-flier got a tad more playable with the tweak to elevation change.
  • Telekinesis is much less good.
  • Outwit is much riskier with the 4-square minimum instead of 6. (Also true of Prob Control and Perplex, but it hurts Outwit the most.)
  • Themed teams aren’t as strong, so figs aren’t as limited by them.
  • Two longtime team abilities, Avengers and Justice League, got much-needed updates.
  • The return of knockback damage!

OK, here we go again:


  • 121. Animal Man [DC 75th Anniversary 036] 2010:  Barely better in 2021, he gets a mild boost by not needing to fit a keyword team, meaning you can much more easily fit a fellow Animal for him to draw powers and abilities from. TINY BIT BETTER
  • 120. Swamp Thing [War of Light 053] 2014: Both his Telekinesis and hindering terrain creation skills are worse due to A) TK’s range nerf and B) because Super Strength and enemy TK can rip up his hindering markers. COMPOST AGAIN
  • 119. Martian Manhunter [The Brave and The Bold 036] 2010: At his 202-point cost, he’s not improved at all except for the JLA TA. NEEDS A COOKIE
  • 118. Gimli [Lord of the Rings 005] 2011: His 6 Speed is slightly less a liability on smaller maps, and starting with Quake could affect terrain as a result. STILL SHORT
  • 117. Amadeus Cho [Incredible Hulk 027] 2011: His Outwit is now reined back to his natural 5 range.  NOT SO SMART
  • 116. Titano [Superman/Wonder Woman G005] 2015: No real change despite Quake’s newfound strength. UNEVOLVED
  • (tie) 115. Green Goblin [Web of Spider-Man 058] / Doctor Octopus [Web of Spider-Man 054] 2010: Gobin got no worse in 2023. But Doc Ock’s even worse because Outwit is worse. NOT SUPERIOR
  • 114. Giant-Man [Chaos War 200] 2012: The return of knock back damage makes his Building Shove SP a bit better. And every Great Size fig benefits from the shorter reach of Outwit, since they’re so frequently easy targets for the power. THE BIGGER MAN
  • 113. Stranger [Galactic Guardians 043] 2012: Got no better or worse in 2023, so that’s something, I guess. STILL STRANGELY BAD NOW
  • 112. Aquaman [War of Light 029] 2014: No change here, either. STILL UNDEAD
  • 111. Lex Luthor [Superman Fast Forces 004] 2011: No change.
  • 110. Crystal [Chaos War 044] 2012: The upgrade to Quake means she can wreak absolute havoc on blocking terrain and walls with her trait, and knock back damage is a massive boost to both that trait and her later Force Blast. A REAL GEM
  • 109. Every Last HeroClix Figure with the “Morph: Many Identities” Trait in Age of Ultron: Hank Pym [Age of Ultron 001], Ant-Man [003], Yellowjacket [022], Goliath [043], Giant-Man [044], Hank Pym [201], Ant-Man [202], Goliath [203],  Ant-Man [205], Wasp [206] and Giant-Man [G200].  2015:

GREW BETTER: 043 Goliath (Super Strength, late Quake), 204 Yellowjacket (Force Blast), 205 Ant-Man (6 range Prob/Outwit)

SHRUNK: 001 Hank Pym (Outwit range), 201 Hank Pym (Outwit range AND TK), G200 Giant-Man (Outwit)

SAME “SIZE”: 003 and 202 Ant-Man, 022 Yellowjacket, 206 Wasp, 044 Giant-Man (Quake+SStrength up, Outwit down), 203 Goliath (better Strength, shorter Probability Control)

  • 108. Static [Teen Titans 045] 2013: Now that themed teams are no longer so dominant, his complete lack of keywords won’t hold him back as much. MILDLY SHOCKING IMPROVEMENT
  • 107. All the reporters in Superman/Wonder Woman with their “The World Needs To Know” special powers and traits: Newsboy Legion [007], Investigative Reporter [006], Lana Lang [029], Jimmy Olsen [027], Lois Lane [047], Clark Kent [026] and Superman [100]. 2015: It’s vital for each to get within 4 squares for their “TWNTK” skills, and smaller maps will help them in that. GETTING THE STORY
  • 106. Blue Beetle and Booster Gold [The Brave and The Bold 052] 2010: The change to JLA TA isn’t enough to make them playable again. NOT SO SUPER BUDDIES
  • 105. Uhura [Star Trek: The Original Series 038] 2017: No buffs other than being able to climb elevation to reach a potential target. RIP NICHELLE; LONG LIVE UHURA
  • 104. Peace Machine [What If 0043] 2017: He lost both TK attacks and knockback damage in 2021, but in 2023 all that offense returned. And while his ranged Force Blast trait is no longer so special — indeed, it’s upgraded to his 7 range now — that range serves him well using his Outwit, too. Last and definitely not least, his back-half Support is far more reliable. Only the nerfed range on TK hurts him. PEACE RESTORED
  • 103. Superior Spider-Man [Deadpool 060] 2014: His Outwit is now just his natural 4 range. His Super Strength balances that out maybe. NOT QUITE INFERIOR IN 2023
  • 102. Luke Cage [Captain America 014] 2011: The general buff of Super Strength serves him well, as does Avengers TA. IMPROVED.
  • 101. Question [WizKids D-008] 2013: He has more reason to pick Quake on his card now. A BETTER QUESTION
  • 100. Black Widow [Captain America 006] 2011: She gains a bit with the new Avengers TA. SPYCRAFTIER
  • 99. Cyborg [New 52 Justice League 006] 2012: New JLA TA to give him a possible 11 AV for his opening Pulse Wave is a subtle but huge UPGRADE.
  • 98. Aquaman [Superman 048] 2011: He improved a lot in 2021. This time, the knock back his attack SP deals is better still. And the ability to add water terrain to your starting force only helps him. SWIMMINGLY BETTER
  • 97. Madrox [Giant-Size X-Men 001] 2011: Weakened by the shorter ranges for Perplex and Outwit. SUBTRACTION, NOT MULTIPLICATION
  • 96. Chameleon Girl [Superman and the Legion of Super-Heroes 031] 2014: Her Perplex is worse still. NOT CHANGING FOR THE BETTER
  • 95. Cloak [Amazing Spider-Man 202] 2013: No longer a wildcard is slightly balanced by the new Spider-Man TA giving Super-duper Senses. STILL CLOAKED IN MEDIOCRITY
  • 94. Mirage [Wolverine and the X-Men 004] 2013: No change. STUCK IN THE OLD WAYS (of 2021)
  • 93. Triplicate Girl [Superman and the Legion of Super-Heroes 206] 2014: No change, other than her pog sisters getting to use powers the main Trip might get from, say, assigned equipment. 3 TIMES 0 UPGRADES IS ZERO UPGRADES
  • 92. Superman II [Superman/Wonder Woman 019a] 2015: Because Super Strength is better, he gets a little bit better down the line. Having 6-range Outwit and Perplex is now above average, too. BUT STILL BELOW AVERAGE
  • 91. Frog-Man [Superior Foes of Spider-Man 048] 2016: 2021 gave him the ability to finally affect Charge and Reflexes, and now knockback damage has returned!. BOUNCING BACK
  • 90. The Spot [Web of Spider-Man 051] 2010: No change. OUT, DAMN’D SPOT
  • 89. Luke Cage [Civil War Storyline 011] 2016: He benefits from Super Strength. YES HE EVEN LIFTS BRO
  • 88. Batman [Superman/Wonder Woman 061] 2015: His late Outwit takes a blow from shorter range even as his terrain triggers maybe increases some. MERELY A MAN
  • 87. Fitz [Nick Fury Agent of SHIELD 021] 2015: NO UPGRADES HERE
  • 86. Element Man [World’s Finest 040] 2016: Super Strength and Quake are both better and he has both to choose via his SP. The former could work interestingly because he has to drop the object at the beginning of his next turn. AN ELEMENT OF CHANGE
  • 85. Baby Doll [Batman The Animated Series 049] 2018: Her Outwit and Perplex both got cut short as she is. SHE DIDN’T MEAN TO GET WORSE
  • 84. Veil [Avengers Asemble 023] 2015: No change for her. STILL A VAPOR
  • 83. Goliath [Civil War Storyline 029] 2016: Super Strength upgrades will help him a little, but he already has the Giant Reach some terrain weapons would offer. A BIT LARGER
  • 82. She-Hulk [Avengers Infinity 024] 2018: No change. HUNG JURY
  • 81. Molly Hayes [Hammer of Thor 041] 2010: Super Strength is no longer nerfed.  MORE POWERFUL PRINCESS THAN EVER
  • 80. Aquaman [Trinity War 201] 2015: Now he doesn’t have to entirely depend on theme or winning map choice to get water terrain. Plus, Super Strength. A KINGLY SEA CHANGE
  • 79. Hulk [Avengers Movie 202] 2012: It’s too bad his SP full-speed Charge doesn’t work with his copious Super Strength. Late-dial Quake =  HULK LITERALLY SMASH
  • 78. Superman II [Superman/Wonder Woman 6-001] 2015: Opening Quake could help clear out some terrain early on. Later S.Strength could yield damage, too.  SUPER ENOUGH?
  • 77. Mysterio [Web of Spider-Man 056] 2010: 6-range Prob and Perplex and SP Smoke Cloud add up to a better Mysterio in 2023. OR IS IT ILLUSION???
  • 76. Groot [Web of Spider-Man 049] 2010: Opening S.Strength means a bigger I AM GROOT
  • 75. 3-D Man [Avengers Assemble 013b] 2015: The 6-square LOF zone barring enemy Stealth and Shape Change is now above average. NOT 3 TIMES BETTER BUT BETTER
  • 74. Magik [Wolverine and the X-Men 034] 2013: After getting GREAT upgrades in 2021, Magik is unchanged this time. STUCK IN LIMBO
  • 73. Miranda Tate [Dark Knight Rises 012] 2012: Her Perplex, Mind Control and later Outwit all get dinged down to her natural 5 range. SECRET AGENDA NOT SO SECRET ANYMORE
  • (tie) 72. Crystal [Avengers Black Panther Illuminati 012] 2019: FREE Quake is quite a bit more interesting now. But her Smoke Cloud is bound to her actual range instead of cheating it out the old minimum 6. A…LESS VALUABLE GEM
    Silver Sable [Earth X 002] 2019: She’s not a wildcard anymore and themed teams are less important, but she can still fit a lot of keyword-triggered conditions. THIS SILVER HAS NOT TARNISHED MUCH
  • 71. Nova Prime [Galactic Guardians 001] 2012: No change for better or worse on balance. STILL A RIDER
  • 70. Clark Kent [Man of Steel 009] 2013: He got a lot of upgrades in 2021. In 2023, his intermittent Super Strength could come into better play. A MORE SUPER MAN
  • 69. Sand [Harley Quinn and the Gotham Girls 060] 2017: His FREE Force Blast is MUCH stronger with knock back damage’s return. KICKING SAND IN UR FACE
  • 68. Deathlok [Wolverine and the X-Men 11b] 2013: At least we kinda found out his RCE SP is basically just RCE now. SLIGHTLY OBSOLETE TECH
  • 67. Red Hood [Rebirth 046] 2019: Nothing changes for him in 2023. NOTHING AT ALL
  • 66. Spider-Punk [Superior Foes of Spider-Man 062] 2016: No longer a wildcard but better with the Super Senses up top thanks to Spider-Man TA. ROCKING
  • 65. Rocket Racer [Web of Spider-Man 044] 2010: Losing wildcard status hurts his AV. OTOH, he gets Senses on a 6 now so maybe it balances? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  RACING FOR THE BOTTOM MAYBE
  • 64. Timber Wolf [Superman and the Legion of Super-Heroes 013] 2014: Same as in 2021. UNEVOLVED
  • 63. Aquaman [New 52 Justice League 005] 2012: New JLA TA, starting S.Strength and being able to field his own water are an upgrade WORTHY OF A KING
  • 62. Black Adam [Rebirth 037b] 2019: A little bit of Super Strength to make him a LITTLE BIT BETTER
  • 61. Black Panther [Secret Wars Battleworld 061] 2018: His Quake click could see use, maybe. STILL RULES
  • 60. The Captain [Giant-Size X-Men 054] 2011: Super Strength and Quake are welcome. A LITTLE LESS ****.
  • (tie) 59. Batman [DC 75th Anniversary 031] 2010: His Perplex is nerfed down to his natural 4 range. A LESSER BATMAN. His partner Robin [The Brave and The Bold 042] 2010: got no change. SAME AS EVER
  • 58. Muhammad Ali [WizKids DP17-004] 2017: No change in 2023. STILL THE GREATEST BOXER
  • 57. Giant-Girl [Avengers Infinity G001] 2018: Her Quake isn’t as good as it looks because her (and other giants’) terrain smash doesn’t work with Giant Reach. SAME SIZE
  • 56. Vixen [Streets of Gotham 028] 2012: Like Animal Man, not being tied to theme will help her more easily be teamed with other Animals. Oh and look: the new and improved JLA TA! HEAR HER ROAR
  • 55. Dust [X-Men Xavier’s School 056] 2018: Her Smoke Cloud is constrained to her 4 range now. BLATANT ISLAMOPHOBIA
  • 54. Black Widow [Captain America: The Winter Soldier 003] 2014: OOOF …themed team Probability Control is GONE, so her entire trait is just so much deadweight. Her Outwit is also nerfed, range-wise. HER COVER’S BLOWN TO HELL
  • 53. Jakeem Thunder [Joker’s Wild 053b] 2016: Just pick one of the better powers in 2023. SO COOL
  • 52. Captain America and Black Widow [Captain America: Winter Soldier 017] 2014: Nothing got worse or better for this piece since 2021. STATUS QUO
  • 51. Captain America [Fear Itself 201] 2013: His Support SP is no longer special. At least he has Super Strength to start. NOT ANYONE’S CAP ANYMORE
  • 50. Black Rider/Ringwraith/Nazgul/One Of The Nine/Servant Of Sauron [Lord of the Rings 016/006/101/102/020] 2011: So they all have Quake except the Servant of Sauron. That’s a little better, though they’re still not good. THEY’RE EEEEVIL
  • 49. Wildfire [Superman and the Legion of Super-Heroes 021] 2014: Still hard to figure how his SP Regen works now since the roll is halved instead of subtracted. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • 48. Alloy [World’s Finest 058] 2016: OOOF! 2023  rules limit sideline size to just 2 elements per 100 points, so the usual 7 Metal Men you could split him into is capped at 6 in builds of 300. And his Perplex is cut to 4 range. At least he’s got a full dial of Super Strength to maybe help (as does Iron, one of his split candidates). Tin’s Force Blast is newly useful, while Mercury’s TK and Platinum’s Outwit are reigned in. GIANT MESS?
  • 47. Ms. Marvel [Avengers Assemble 055] 2015: 2023’s rules improve her Giant Size by giving Super Strength. A BIT MORE MARVELOUS
  • 46. Wasp [Avengers Infinity 044] 2018: Her Outwit is really constrained now, to her natural 4 range. SHRINKING
  • 45. Captain America [Nick Fury: Agent of SHIELD 049] 2015: He has Avengers TA for an AV bonus and outranges most Outwit by a lot.  SLIGHTLY BETTER
  • 44. Cyclops [Uncanny X-Men 033] 2016: We didn’t notice in 2021, but ever since the 2017 change to Leadership, he’s been able to remove his own token under those revised rules. CYCLOPS WAS RIGHT
  • 43. The Atom [Superman/Wonder Woman G001] 2015: At 300 and 200 points he brings the improved Super Strength while his late dial sport Quake. A SMIDGE BIGGER AND BETTER
  • 42. Hawkman & Hawkgirl [Batman The Animated Series 060] 2018: Absolutely none of the 2021 changes improved this pair, but 2023’s new JLA TA and Quake rules shake things up for the Carter Hall half. Shayera Hol’s Outwit takes a nerfing, though. SOARING HIGHER
  • 41. Dee Dee [Batman The Animated Series 015] 2018: No change. DEE DEE DISSED
  • 40. Colleen Wing and Misty Knight [Amazing Spider-Man 044] 2013: Shorter range for their Outwit and Perplex is not cool for them.  DRAGON DAUGHTERS TAKE A DIVE
  • 39. Batman [Batman and His Greatest Foes Fast Forces 001] 2016: No better in 2023.
  • 38. Black Lightning [Batman 045] 2012: No changes. STATIC ELECTRICITY
  • 37. Robin [Harley Quinn and the Gotham Girls 030] 2017: No change. NO NEW THRILL
  • 36. Asuka [WWE 012] 2019: No changes. SO YOU MIGHT BE READY FOR ASUKA
  • 35. Apache Chief [Batman The Animated Series 070] 2018: Despite his ever-expanding size and reach, new Quake still only breaks adjacent terrain.  NOT SO BIG AN IMPROVEMENT
  • 34. Clayface [Batman The Animated Series 001b] 2018: Both his Outwit and Perplex got worse, so he gets worse. CLAY IS CRACKING
  • 33. Angel [Days of Future Past 005] 2014: His Perplex on later clicks is shorter-ranged than ever. LOW-FLYING ANGEL
  • 32. Shade, The Changing Girl [Rebirth 044] 2019: Perplex lost squares of range, and objects are rarer in these new terrain-heavy days. CHANGING FOR THE WORSE
  • 31. Batman [Batman The Animated Series 040] 2018: Shorter ranges of Outwit and then Perplex are partially offset by his runs of Quake. RIP KEVIN CONROY
  • 30. Daredevil [WizKids MP18-007] 2018: His SP Prob is shorter, which could be a problem if he’s outranged by an attacker. IT’S LIKE HE CAN’T SEE OR SOMETHING
  • 29. Cyclops [Giant-Size X-Men 008] 2011: So on the one hand, his mid-dial Force Blast gets a boost with the return of knock back damage. But on the other: The free damage rider it gave him no longer works because there’s no d6 roll for it to key off of. CYCLOPS WAS WRONG
  • 28. Magma [Wolverine and the X-Men 073] 2013: Quake is improved, and she has it. HOT TIME ON THE MAP TODAY
  • 27. War Machine [Invincible Iron Man 029b] 2013: No better, no worse. BASIC
  • 26. Nova [Avengers Infinity 032] 2018: There’s a corner case in which his mid-dial SP allowing FREE Quake after a Charge is useful. But not very, since the same power already gave him Improved Movement: Destroy Blocking.  NOT QUITE NOVA IN HIS PRIME
  • 25. Falcon [Captain America: The Winter Soldier 006] 2014: His Perplex is unaffected because of his natural 6 range, and ending with Charge+Quake is a little better. DIVEBOMBING RUN
  • 24. Grace [Joker’s Wild 046] 2016: The new relevance of Super Strength still doesn’t allow her to use it in her full-move-then-attack a higher foe, but it is a welcome bonus. Late-dial, she can Quake through some walls maybe. GRACED WITH POWER
  • 23. Elijah Snow [Elseworlds 046] 2017: His Outwit or Perplex SP is better now with his natural 8 range. SLIGHTLY COOLER
  • 22. Armor [Giant-Size X-Men 050] 2011: IF you can get her off her activation click, her Super Strength is relevant again and late Force Blast could work out. ARMOR UP…?
  • 21. Mysterio [Amazing Spider-Man 026 and 206] 2013: Fortunately for 026 Mysterio, natural 6 range means both Outwit and Smoke Cloud maintain usefulness. But 206 Mysterio is limited to the minimum 4 for his Smoke and SP Perplex. ONLY ONE IS THE *R E A L* MYSTERIO!!
  • 20. Valkyrie [Fear Itself 005] 2013: Avengers TA gives her a needed AV boost to CHOOSE THE SLAIN
  • 19. Donatello [Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Heroes In A Half-Shell 025] 2016: his Support is much stronger while his Outwit and Perplex are both lessened. Plus there’s ending Quake. UPGRADED LIKE A MACHINE
  • (tie) 18. Okoye [Avengers Black Panther Illuminati 038] 2019: Sometimes she’ll use Quake on clicks 2 or 3. More often she’ll generate War Rhino pogs that Quake and carry her. Either way, she’s still better than
    Okoye [Avengers Black Panther Illuminati FF006] 2019, who gets zero upgrades. ONE IS GENERAL, THE OTHER DEMOTED
  • 17. Hulk [Avengers Defenders War 052] 2017: Cho Hulk’s Perplex and Outwit both took a hit in 2023. But look at his opening Quake and traited Super Strength now! That’s OK. THE MOST OK HULK EVER
  • 16. Multiple Man [Wolverine and the X-Men 013] 2013: His Perplex is poorer still now.  WEAKNESS MULTIPLIED. Multiple Man [Wolverine and the X-Men 205] gets no boosts from the 2023 rules. WHOMP WHOMP
  • 15. Oya [X-Men Xavier’s School 031] 2018: No change. NO-YA
  • 14. Nova Corps Officer [Guardians of the Galaxy Movie 004] 2014: Nothing different. NO PROMOTION FOR YOU
  • 13. Wonder Woman [WizKids D-001] 2011: Both her SP Perplex and late Outwit got worse. But her opening Super Strength is relevant again. GETTING OUT FROM UNDER
  • 12. Captain Marvel [Captain Marvel 021] 2019: She has some mid-dial Strength that might do some good . POWER WAS IN HER ALL ALONG
  • 11. Bat-Knight [WizKids DP17-006] 2017: No change. DESIGN WAS PERFECT ALREADY
  • 10. Troll [The Mighty Thor 039] 2017: Changes to Leap/Climb made her Speed SP redundant in 2021; we’re just now noticing. TROLLOLOL
  • 9. Ant-Man and Wasp [Chaos War 053] 2012: Mid-dial Outwit loses a square of range but their 5 range is over the minimum. BARELY SMALLER
  • 8. Black Panther [Age of Ultron 045] 2015: His Perplex at dial’s end and Outwit on top dial are both worse. At least he gets Avengers TA to help his AV maybe. UNEASY HEAD UNDER CROWN
  • 7. Aquaman [Brightest Day 006] 2010: Super Strength is back! And he has plenty. A KINGLY SHARE
  • 6. The Authority [017 Swift, 032 Jenny Quantum, 033 Jack Hawksmoor, 048 Apollo, 049 Midnighter, 060 Engineer and 061 Jenny Sparks] 2014: 
    • Doctor (016) gets more from late-dial Force Blast but loses a square of Prob range. RIGHT PRESCRIPTION?
    • Jenny Quantum (032) loses on Perplex AND Outwit. STAY HOME, CHILD
    • Jack Hawksmoor (033)
     loses range on Telekinesis and Prob Control. Later Quake can help him destroy his buildings, I guess; STRAIGHT SLUM
    Apollo (048) can really shut down use of TK on smaller maps with his 8 range; HEAT RAYS HEATING UP.
    • But Midnighter (049) can’t really safely use Outwit anymore. GET HANDS DIRTY OR STAY HOME
    • Engineer (060) will probably get the most from Support now; HUH … UPGRADES
    Jenny Sparks (061) has worse late Perplex. BOLLOCKS
    • Swift (017)
    gets nothing! GOOD *DAY* MA’AM!
  • 5. Moon Knight [Avengers Defenders War 062] 2017: Perplex is nerfed again and he loses wildcard for mini-Super Senses. MR. KNIGHT IS THE WEAKLING
  • 4. Drax The Destroyer [Guardians of the Galaxy Movie 013] 2014: No improvements. SIMPLE CLIX, SIMPLE PURPOSE
  • 3. Ambrose Chase [005] 2019: Perplex AND Outwit got nerfed to his 5 range. CHASED DOWN
  • 2. Miss America [WizKids M17-009] 2017: Opening S.Strength is good again. AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL
  • 1. Power Girl [Rebirth 022] 2019: Her Perplex AND Outwit options are way worse. But Super Strength has its uses. LACK OF GROWTH

Alternates/HMs (chronologically):

  • Impulse [DC75 Anniversary 104] 2010: No better or worse than in 2021. STANDING STILL
  • Nightshade [Captain America 027] 2011: She gets the mildest of improvements since the Battle Fury she gifts an adjacent character allows them to throw held terrain. But… NOT SO DEADLY
  • Dee Jay [Street Fighter 010] 2011: No better or worse. STILL KICKIN’
  • Superman [Superman 055] 2011: He loses a bit of power because heavy objects (aside from the Tank Turret special object) no longer exist in the game. But Super Strength’s regained versatility and his opening Quake come in as pluses to balance the minus. A BITTY BIT MORE SUPER
  • Bard the Bowman [The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug 009] 2013: Not any better. BARD STAYS HIS ARROW
  • Silver Samurai [Wolverine and the X-Men 044] 2013: No change. STICKING WITH TRADITION
  • Batman [Gotham City 001] 2013: Being able to pick the most improved attack or damage powers is pretty cool. ONE OF THE WORLD’S FINEST
  • Giganta [Legion of Doom 006] 2014: Though Quake is better, she can’t reliably get to the SP that grants it. LARGE BUT PROBLEMATIC
  • Shang-Chi [Deadpool 047] 2014: No change.. HOLDING TO THE PATH
  • Hulk [Avengers Age of Ultron 104] 2015: He hulks up with Super Strength’s buff and Battle Fury’s ability to throw terrain — useful if his full Charge gets Outwitted, AND makes his Avengers Initiative TA finally have a point.  RAGING HARDER
  • Faust [Superman/Wonder Woman 056] 2015: His late Prob Control is better than ever with his 7 range. NOT FELIX
  • Mysterio [WizKids M16-003] 2016: Smoke Cloud got worse range, down to his natural 4 — though he could Perplex it to 5. THIS BUFF IS AN ILLUSION
  • Crazy Jane [World’s Finest 019] 2016: Clicks 1, 4 and 5 still have no real change. Click 2’s Perplex and especially TK are nerfed down to her natural 4 range, as is click 3’s Smoke Cloud. Her last click, No. 6, is also hurt with Prob Control. But Pulse Wave is now her full range, so that’s double-edged sword. TOO CRAZY FOR HER OWN GOOD?
  • Patriot [Civil War Storyline 021] 2016: He’s still paying points for a trait and abilities that are no longer special. But the Avengers TA, tho. Plus he can throw an object on his last click with Battle Fury . PATRIOTISM!
  • Batroc [Avengers Defenders War 050] 2017: No change from 2021. *STILL LAUGHING EN FRANCAIS*
  • Thor [The Mighty Thor 061] 2017: Unsure his old trait for holding multiple objects doesn’t seamlessly work with new terrain markers, so while he’s a bit better than in 2021, he’s not as better as he could be. WE SAY THEE … MAYBE
  • Photon [Avengers Infinity 036] 2018: She benefits from the new Avengers TA. LIGHTSPEEDY
  • Doctor Octopus [Earth X 034] 2019: A MUCH shorter Outwit range forces him to get too much closer to the action. NOT-AS-GOOD DOCTOR
  • Falcon [Avengers Black Panther Illuminati 041b] 2019: Quake is a bit better now, and still combos with his CCE. ON MY LEFT
  • Frenzy [X-Men: The Dark Phoenix Saga 027] 2019: Her Battle Fury gives her another way to attack, esp. with Super Strength on the back end. A BEATING FRENZY
  • Storm [X-Men: The Dark Phoenix Saga G023b] 2019: Knock back damage returns. A WEATHER EVENT
  • Dr. Claire Finn [The Orville ] 2019: She’s a better medic than ever with Support no longer having a chance at failure or even a penalty in her FREE version’s case. It’s why see’s currently banned from Silver Age.  BEST DOCTOR
And now let’s look at my faves of this decade so far and see how they fare now:
  • Absorbing Man (Captain America and the Avengers 073):   Super Strength improved, as did Quake. So he’s ABSORBED BUFFS.
  • The Atom (Justice League Unlimited 059a): He benefits from the new JLA TA, but Outwit and Perplex nerfed range makes those worse. GROW SOME, SHRINK SOME
  • Black Cat (Spider-Man and Venom: Absolute Carnage 005): Though she takes a small hit on her late dial from her Prob Control getting cut to 4 range and themed team being less prominent, she gets a small boost from all ranges getting reined in, allowing her 4-range Bad Luck Field SP to work more often in the close quarters. LUCK EVENS OUT
  • Black Widow (Black Widow Movie 100) No change to motorcyclist Natasha. MILEAGE DOES NOT VARY
  • Bombshell (Spider-Man and Venom: Absolute Carnage 009) and Bombshell (Spider-Man and Venom: Absolute Carnage 025) The daughter’s (009) late Quake is upgraded, and both have traited Force Blast, which is relevant again thanks to knockback  damage. That combines well with their tandem Pulse Wave — which, with their Perplexes, can potentially shrink to a 2 range or expand to 6! Speaking of Perplex, Mom’s natural 6 range works well with it while her daughter loses out thanks to her printed range of 3. EXPLOSIVELY BETTER
  • Human Torch (Fantastic Four 038) Should she land on her Pulse Wave click, she has a wider range of effect (4 instead of 3). A BIT HOTTER
  • Ironheart (Captain America and the Avengers 056) Her 7 range works well with her opening Prob, mid Outwit and late Perplex, as well as back-dial Force Blast, which is actually useful and a little dangerous now. UPGRADED TECH
  • Jolt (Captain America and the Avengers 031a) Being able to Sidestep up and down elevated without having to find a ladder is a big boost to her. POSITIVE MOVEMENT
  • Micron (Justice League Unlimited 059b) JLA TA is actually useful on him now. GROWING MORE POWERFUL
  • Quake (Captain America and the Avengers 010) OMG the sheer havoc her SP Quake can create on blocking-heavy maps. The return of knock back damage also boosts her a lot. And the new Avengers TA! AN ORDER OF MAGNITUDE BETTER
  • Red Guardian (Black Widow Movie 016) Super Strength got an upgrade, though it doesn’t fully combo with his “Fighting An Entire Squad” trait. IN SOVIET RUSSIA HE’S MUCH MUCH STRONGER
  • Reed Richards, Fixer Of Universes (Fantastic Four 056) On smaller maps, he can activate Molecule Man WAY faster. But his own Outwit, Perplex and Prob shrink to his natural 4 range. FIXING YOUR GAME
  • Spider-Hamurai (Spider-Man and Venom: Absolute Carnage 066) He loses wildcard status with the change to Spidey TA but of course gains the new rollout. A SHARPER SWORD
  • Spider-Man (Spider-Man and Venom: Absolute Carnage 054) Another wildcard no more. And his Outwit range drops. On smaller maps, his Garbage Can is much less safe. But at least he can carry it around now if he likes. And new Spidey TA Senses greatly improve his dodging. STILL AMAZING
  • Spot (Spider-Man and Venom: Absolute Carnage 042) His Outwit range shrinks. SPOTTED A NERF

  • Sue Storm (Fantastic Four 062) Perplex, Prob and Outwit get a boost from her natural 6 range. And Support is WAY better. But her TK, tho? Way worse. That said, her trait to use those powers — plus Quake — from her Barriers gives her even more flexibility in the current game. QUEEN BE QUEENING
  • Superman (Justice League Unlimited 105) After almost everything improved in 2021, he got even more in 2023’s rules: JLA TA, traited Super Strength and Battle Fury to throw stuff. A REAL SUPER MAN
  • Ultron (Avengers Vs. Masters of Evil Battlegrounds 110b) No changes. ZERO UPGRADES
  • Vixen(Justice League Unlimited 015) Quake’s better and combines with her opening Exploit. FOXY

2021’s FAVES

  • Blue Marvel (Avengers Forever 031) Longer Pulse Wave + Force Blast ranges = winning. Natural 6 range means Outwit’s just as good and late Super Strength is improved. MARVELOUSLY BETTER
  • Captain America (Disney Plus 056) Sam’s knockback skills (Force Blast then Quake) gain from KB damage. But his Redwing’s Outwit is a bit riskier to roll with — though, being 0 points, not really much of a risk. PROMOTED IN RANK 
  • Captain Carter (Disney Plus 041a): Giant directional Quake is great. DECORATED FOR EXCELLENCE
  • Falcon (Avengers Forever 006) Quake is better while his 5 range splits the difference on his midlife Perplex. Plus: new Avengers TA. CLIMBED ALTITUDE
  • Hulk (Avengers Forever 045) Avengers TA and he can deal knockback on every click. HULK SMASH
  • Isca the Unbeaten (X-Men: X of Swords 031b) Nothing changed for her. ISCA THE UN-BETTER
  • Kurse (War of the Realms 035): Mourn her loss of Outwit range. SOMEWHAT CURSED
  • Mindful One (Avengers Forever 030) Wow is his Support better now. Also Super Strength all dial. MINDFULNESS IS IMPROVEMENT 
  • Miss America (Avengers Forever 050) Mid-dial Super Strength is better. So is the Avengers TA. AMERICA EVEN MORE BEAUTIFUL
  • Miss Minutes (Disney Plus 029) 6-range Prob Control means no nerf for this shady annoying AI. SHE’S BANNED ANYWAY
  • Storm (X-Men: X of Swords 001) FREE directional Force Blast is even better with knockback damage. A pity her Perplex is reeled back to just 5 now. BUILDING STORMCLOUDS
  • Valkyrie (War of the Realms 042) Absolutely no difference. RIDING LIKE ALWAYS
  • The Watcher (Disney Plus 101b) Only 4-square placement on his TK reins him in somewhat. OATHBOUND TO NOT INTERFERE … AS MUCH

AND FINALLY 2022’s standouts

  • Captain Britain (House of X 053): Her 30-pt. line’s Outwit is reeled back to 4. FAIL BRITANNIA
  • The Commissioner (Wonder Woman 80th 067): Natural 6 range means no Outwit nerf. Plus Rookie’s 7 for Prob and PPB pain is an effective buff. ALL COPS ARE BAD? BAD-ASS, MAYBE.
  • Dr. Poison (Wonder Woman 80th 045) Nothing about her or her German Solider minions improved BECAUSE NAZIS GET PUNCHED
  • Harley Quinn (Wonder Woman 80th 024) Much shorter Prob range is counterbalanced by her dial-long Quake. WHOOPSIE, HARLEY’S FALLING OUT A BIT
  • Lex Luthor (Wonder Woman 80th 054) 4-range Outwit is bad for him. At least his Bizarro bystander is more dangerous than ever with Quake — and with the return of knockback damage, there’s finally a way to “push” him to the click to generate the pogs. THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOXES WITHIN BOXES
  • Loki (Empyre 026) 60 His 6 range keeps his Prob (and, later, Outwit and Mind Control) at full strength. LOW KEY GOOD
  • Maggott (House of X 051) The melee fighter suffers a bit with the nerf to Prob and Perplex, but he’s a close fighter anyway. MILDLY HUNGRY
  • Master Mold (WizKids MP20-001) Effectively buffed due to his natural 8 range with Prob or Outwit. ELIMINATING MORE MUTANTS
  • Monica Rambeau (Empyre 041) Avengers team ability is the only 2023-rules plus. MEMBERSHIP HAS ITS BENEFITS
  • Multiple Man (X-Men Rise and Fall 007) They get NOTHING. They LOSE! Good DAY SIRS.
  • Omega (House of X 056) Natural 8-range Outwit is quite an improvement over the 4-square default. But that’s it. NOT THE END-ALL-BE-ALL
  • Onome (Empyre 015) Natural 5 range double Outwit. ONOME = OK
  • Rikki Barnes (Empyre 072) The loss of Quake comboing with her Dream Of A Soldier is a blow. DREAM DEFERRED
  • T’Chaka II (Empyre 047b) No change. ROYALLY UNDISTURBED
  • Sentinel (X-Men Rise and Fall 008) No change. UN-UPGRADED


WHEW. Maybe that is the end of changes in the game for a good while.