Yours truly is featured in a long interview (about 75 minutes) with Edward Shelton, aka “darklogos” on HCRealms on his Starting Over podcast episode 63 on YouTube. It was a lot of fun (and F.U.N. of course). We talk about:
- the genesis of Heroclixin’ (i.e., God punishing me for cheese teams)
- changes in my venue
- dealing with d-bags (and our own d-bag moments)
- why netdecking doesn’t really work in HeroClix.
- making fun scenarios and whatnot
- metagaming and the loss of advice
- what I’d fix if I ran game design
- team bases and how ridiculously powerful they are
- vehicle rules and how nonsensical they are
- some perspective on the limits of playtesting vs. marketing
- our “black history month” teams and fave pieces to run on ’em
Here’s the link:
Congrats! I’ll give this a listen later on today.
It’s a bit late but it was good to have you on the show. I got to have you back on sometime soon.
I definitely had a good time!