F.U.N. Friday: Pym Morphing Guide


So Hank Pym (Chaos War 014) has this Nifty trait:

“MORPH: HANK PYM: Give Wasp a move or close combat action that deals no pushing damage. After the action resolves, replace him with any character with this trait on the same click number.”

And he shares it with four other pieces in the set:

Ant-Man (Chaos War 015)
Wasp (Chaos War 016)
Ant-Man (Chaos War 173)
Giant-Man (Chaos War 200)

It’s a heftily Useful upgrade over the similarly named trait of Beast Boy (DC 75th Anniversary 014, 015, 016 and 055) in that it works via either a move action OR a close combat action. But with the recent rule that replacement characters have to stay on a KO click while on the sidelines, it’s harder to know which Pym to bring into the fight.

Let’s take an overview at the ever-changing mad scientist of the Avengers:

Hank Pym (Chaos War 014): With odd clicks of Outwit alternating with Perplex on even, and a SP granting a free Attack power when on an object, plainclothes Pym is the ultimate support piece sporting some surprise fight (though with minimal damage potential). Note that the Perplex clicks are paired with Willpower.

Ant-Man (Chaos War 015): Hank’s first super-ID flops between odd-numbered Stealthy Poison, Combat Reflexes and Exploit Weakness versus even-numbered Leap/Climbing Outwit with Super Senses — except that the first and last click lack the CR and EW. Problematic with his basement-low damage value and barely average DV. His best role might be shrinking a friend at the right time via his other trait.

Wasp (Chaos War 016) : Homage-to-Janet Van Dyne Henry here is the most traditional of the base set Pyms with top-loaded Running Shot and 3 damage with Leadership. Later clicks get the penetrating Incap treatment and some team support by granting pals EW.

These are the common Hanks. Then there are the two ultra-rare convention exclusives:

Ant-Man (Chaos War 173): Puck Pym is all about his high, high 20 DV. A full run of Incap gives him a little bit of offense, too, but only a little bit.

Giant-Man (Chaos War 200): Conversely, giant Pym is chiefly about fighting, with double-digit AV and 3+ damage most of his dial. He’s also loaded with armor powers.


A lot depends on which Hank Pym one starts the game with. For example, a Wasp 016 player is likely to be relying on Running Shot and won’t be able to readily Morph as that Speed power is neither a move nor close combat action. Conversely, Giant-Man might benefit from Morphing to Wasp’s less-visible but still-17 Toughness click number 1 after smashing a foe with a heavy.

Therefore, the following list of “best” clicks to switch to is hardly exhaustive. (To do that, we’d have to go though each click of each Pym and detail the best choice for each likely situation. Which would make this F.U.N. article too long. Not doing it.) Instead, it’s just a rough guide on how to best size-change after taking the Morph-activating action, as the character will always have one or two tokens afterward.


First choiceAnt-Man (Chaos War 173). Stealthed 20 DV is best for weathering attacks.
Next bestWasp (Chaos War 016) or  Giant-Man (Chaos War 200) for 17 Toughness.
AvoidAnt-Man (Chaos War 015). Though the Stealth and Poison are tempting, his bare 17 DV may be a problem.


First choiceWasp (Chaos War 016) is the best-balanced pick regardless of whether he’s based (likely after the close combat action) or remote (likely after the move action option). But this click is possibly the most situational of the five, depending on whether you most need more support for your team (Hank’s Perplex, Wasp’s EW-lending, Ant-Man 015’s Outwit), personal survivability (either of the Ant-Men for Stealth) or offensive threat (Giant-Man).
Next best: n/a
Avoid: n/a


First choice: Either of the Ant-Men. The common gains Stealth and 18DV in melee, 17 at range with Poison and Exploit Weakness while the Unique is a Stealthy 18 (19 from range).
Next best: Giant-Man, with Charge, Quake and Invulnerability to be the toughest of the Pyms. Note that Charge works with Morph, so he can move to a more advantageous spot and push to the best choice for Click 4! (I’m thinking that Morph wouldn’t prevent the push since it’s part of the Charge action).
Avoid: Both Hank and Wasp are defensively soft. On the other hand, both offer passive powers that might benefit the team, so if you can protect them, they might be an OK choice.


First choice: Wasp. Again, he’s got the best blend of offense, defense and passive utility.
Next best: Giant-Man. Still Invulnerable, still Quake-ready. The more common Ant-Man gains 16-17 DV Super Senses and Outwit.
Avoid: Puck Ant-Man, whose DV finally slips to a decidedly average 17 and his AV to a mediocre 8. It’s all downhill from here, too.


First choice: Ant-Man 015. Though his base DV is just 15, it’s bolstered by Combat Reflexes, Stealth and Tiny Size. Offensively, he’s again Poisonous and Exploits Weaknesses.
Next best: Wasp. Though 16 DV Super Senses and 2 damage aren’t great, he’s got 9 AV and Perplex. Giant-Man’s poor 15 DV is balanced by not-so-poor 10 AV, 3 damage with Exploit Weakness and Charge. (Note that Exploit Weakness and Morph are not compatible — you have to pick one or the other!)
Avoid: Ant-Man 173, unless Stealth is absolutely needed to survive.


First choice: Ant-Man 015. His 15 Super Senses looks bad, but Tiny Size and hindering terrain bump it to a possible 17 from range. He’s also got Outwit back and 9 AV if fighting is needed.
Next best: Hank Pym, because while his 15 Willpower is the worst defense of the lot (barring the puck), he’s got Flurry and Perplex to shift matters in your potential favor.
Avoid: Ant-Man 173, unless Stealth is absolutely needed to survive.


First choice: Giant-Man or Wasp. Both sport 15 DV Willpower for a possible last-gasp attack next turn with 9 AV Quake or 8 AV Incap-plus, respectively.
Next best: Hank’s Outwit should be useful at this stage of matters, though it puts a Giant-Man-sized bull’s eye on his labcoated back. Ant-Man 015 can hide in the bushes (Stealth) and maybe Poison.
Avoid: Ant-Man 173 at all costs.


That’s it for this quick guide to Morphin’ the Mighty Avenger Henry Pym. Have F.U.N. Pympin like I might with this team in a week:

Yellowjacket (Secret Invasion 006a) 100
Hank Pym (Chaos War 014) 75
Ant-Man and Wasp (Chaos War 053) 168
Wasp (Avengers 059) 37
Wasp (Chaos War 030)
Ant-Man (Infinity Challenge 173) 43
+ replacements Wasp 016, Ant-Man 015
= 500 points

or, if my friend managed to pick a Con Exclusive for me:

Hank Pym (Chaos War 014) 75
Wasp (Chaos War 030) 77
Ant-Man (Infinity Challenge 173) 43
Giant-Man (Chaos War 200) 300
+ replacements Wasp 016, Ant-Man 015, Ant-Man and Wasp (Chaos War 053), Ant-Man (Chaos War 173)
=495 points. Could be Big Pympin’ time at Dragon*Con!


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