Number 10
Accomplished Perfect Physician (Crisis 044)
This member of China’s team of superheroes super functionaries is one of the better healers in the game with his starting 10 Attack Value and 17 Defense backed by Super Senses. A full dial of Leap/Climb enables him to easily get out of adjacency if based, and a mid-dial pair of Outwit clicks in between the Support ones make hitting him off Support a problem for foes.
He’s at the bottom of the list, though, because at 61 points, he’s really pricey for a medic to have only a full dial of 1 damage despite his attack powers of Incap, Quake or Psychic Blast. Worse yet, his speed value is pretty poor; he might not be able to get where he needs to go!
Still, with a power on every slot, it’s not hard to be down with A.P.P. for a medic that can contribute a little bit more than just healing. He’s the #10 best medic in Heroclixin’.
Number 9
Night Nurse (Web of Spider-Man 102)
She’s the first on our list to sport the Willpower + Support combo which, in a less crowded field, would rate a figure a spot automatically. A solid 9 AV — about the minimum you want for a top-flight medic — and a low 27-point price help her as well. What gets her on the list for sure is her ability to temporarily boost patients’ DV after a heal attempt.
Very much a Support specialist, she doesn’t contribute anything else and is a fairly easy KO with low DV and no real defensive abilities. But she’s one of the best at nursing wounded allies — #9 in Heroclixin’s estimation.
She ties with another lady:
Jane Foster (X-Plosion 206)
Thor’s mortal gal pal was the first in HeroClix to sport the Willpower + Support combo, making her one of the best of the old set. She rates low on the list for dirt-poor starting 8 AV and 13 DV. But at 16 points, the LE version of the Paramedic is one of the absolute cheapest medics in the game and has an outsized effect on matches as a result.
I’m surprised you didn’t rate Night Nurse higher… but now I’m really curious to see your reasoning in the coming installments!