Another July, another round of retirement. This time, these sets get the axe from Modern Age:
- Brightest Day
- DC 75th Anniversary
- Giant-Size X-Men
- Green Lantern Movie
- Green Lantern Movie Fast Forces
- Captain America
- Watchmen Crimebusters Fast Forces
- Warriors of Asgard Fast Forces
- Street Fighter
Not counting any pieces among my favorites for their respective years of release — because OF COURSE I’ll miss seeing them in Modern Age — there’s a definite list of figs that I’m sorry to see go.
And a corresponding list of figs that couldn’t get to Golden Age fast enough for my taste.
Let it begin. Let it begin!
Angel (Giant-Size X-Men 031)
There was a time when Angel’s full-speed Charge and taxi skills for such a low price were rather attractive. Alas, his time quickly passed. Worse, it seems that the upcoming X-Men set won’t feature a feather-winged Warren Worthington III. Sorry to see this one go.
Gatecrasher (Giant-Size X-Men 037)
This intergalactic momma also never quite got her moment to shine in Modern Age, despite the copious early Perplex and some pushability. She’s surprisingly unfeatworthy, so Golden status isn’t her forte, either.
and one on the crap list:
Flash (DC 75th Anniversary W-7)
Once the cream cheese of pieces, this high-dollar fig has lost the arms race in a big way. Getting him to GA is almost a mercy. See ya, don’t wanna be ya…
Tomorrow: Three more.
One thing here bugs me and i can’t get over this.
What’s with the hate for WL Flash?
I can’t say i have the figure myself, but going over his dial he looks perfectly fine to me.
I can understand the venom if it’s in comparison to other figures of his day, but your blurb makes him sound completely useless, which i just can’t understand.
Is there something i’m not understanding here? Or maybe just a difference in opinion?
Wow, it’s been a while since I wrote that. But if I recall correctly, it’s just because in terms of straight-up efficiency as a top-level tournament fig, WL Flash had become very second-rate compared to the rest of the meta. Still a good piece, but not nearly the best anymore.