Concluding the photographic record of clix from the Teen Titans set with Super Strength that can hold the game’s cardboard object tokens. Today, let’s look at this last pair:
Despite being the standard burly brute character, Mammoth (011) can just barely tote his token. One must carefully balance it under his left wrist brace and against his right knee. But Heroclixin’ has not been able to reproduce this hold on any tokens other than its well-worn ones — the new ones just roll right off with the slightest touch. So your mileage may vary.
And this (foot)hold is just going to be better all around:
It’s one of the few that work better with the newer, thicker card stock.
And a final teen titan fig with a grip: Skitter (048)
It’s almost more fitting to ask “how DOESN’T she tote a token?” This intricate sculpt has no issue with a number of solid holds.
OK, that’s more than enough Teen Titans toting tokens. Next week, TTT begins a long-overdue look at Fear Itself. Tomorrow, check out a F.U.N. Force for Heroclixin.’