F.U.N. Fights: SHIELD Six Pack

A  while back there was this event:

600 points Modern Age, six figures. No more, no less.

That I built this force for [first mentioned last December]:

Nick Fury [Captain America: Winter Soldier 015] 98p + Avengers Response Unit ATA 3
Captain America [Captain America: Winter Soldier 001] 125p + Avengers Response Unit ATA 3
Black Widow [Captain America: Winter Soldier 003] 114p + Avengers Response Unit ATA 3
Agent 13 [Captain America: Winter Soldier 013] 55p
G.W. Bridge [Deadpool 041] 68
Falcon [Captain America: Winter Soldier 006] 105p

Power Plant 10

+ Matter Rearranger 2
+Black Light 2
+Vortex Ring 2
+Impact Beam 2
+Disintegration Beam 2
+Flame Blast 2

=596 points.

Here’s how this Six Pack fared. In each round, I note how well Cap’s, Widow’s, Fury’s and 13’s Espionage traits worked out.



The Flash [The Flash 202] 149
+ Predator entity 25

Krona [War of Light ]
+ Proselyte entity 25

Void [Streets of Gotham] 70

Captain Marvel [Guardians of the Galaxy 007b] 82

ESPIONAGE: Stephen’s Cosmic theme got no map bonus thanks to Cap, enabling me to choose the Fallen Asgard map for its very large central patch of special hindering terrain. But no objects were fielded for Fury to place, and my opponent had all the PC he’d need in Krona and Void, making Widow’s trait almost as useless. Agent 13 at least could hold the Cosmics to a single free action apiece.

I had an immediate problem; the map’s elevated terrain enabled Krona to shoot at will with 9 range. And Cap Marvel could safely give him a nearly unhittable 19 DV with Defend.


  • Several improbable hits on 19 DV wore Krona down, sending him running after a parting shot on Fury, who LMD’d to survive the fatal shot.
  • Falcon hit Cap Marvel off top dial during a Move+Attack hit-and-run.
  • Flash crit missed as Falc and Cap went in pursuit deep in enemy territory.

But time ran out and I lost the roll off. Oh well! 0-1


Ms. Marvel [Fear Itself]
Tyr [Fear Itself]
Raizo Kodo [Fear Itself]
Monkey King
and Jennifer Kale [ASM]

ESPIONAGE: No theme team or objects were fielded, so Cap and Fury were useless as spies and Black Widow had no enemy probs to steal — not that Thomas needed theme with J.Kale around to double PC. Agent 13 picked the Mystical keyword to hold back Raizo and Jenn and Monkey King, to little avail. It looked like Espionage was a big ‘ol waste, here. But…


  • Fury drew fire again, from deadly Ms. Marvel.
  • GW held off Raizo just long enough for Cap to take him.
  • Agent 13 wreaked havoc with her defense-killing charms.
  • But the MVP this time — FINALLY — was Black Widow. Her ability to make TTPC without taking tokens was key and absolutely clutch!

KO’d Ms. Marvel, Raizo, Monkey King and Jenn, losing only Agent 13. 1-1


By piece:

Captain America [Captain America: Winter Soldier 001]: Map choice was vital for this team that needs lots of Stealth — not least of which, Cap himself — and open lines of fire. This Cap is swiftly growing to be one of my preferred versions.

Black Widow [Captain America: Winter Soldier 003]: Until now, this latest Widow had done little else but die hard and fast despite Stealth, 17 Reflexes AND Shape Change to protect her. But today her PC trait turned a tight match into a rout. Still costs a bit too much for what she does, but she’s more than F.U.N. enough to warrant a future outing.

Falcon [Captain America: Winter Soldier 006]: Once again, he makes this team work, alternately pumping damage via Empower/Enhancement and shifting formations with Sidestep+Carry for both himself and Cap

Nick Fury [Captain America: Winter Soldier 015]: As the “easy” target among the mostly Stealthed crew, Fury took a lot of early fire. But of course, his “Stop” click surprises.

G.W. Bridge [Deadpool 041]: Aside from inviting the essential Falcon to the team, he shone for his Outwit and cleanup hitting skills.

Agent 13 [Captain America: Winter Soldier 013]: A final secret weapon on a team loaded with them. Her trait slows down opponents to better match SHIELD’s pace of attack, and she works both as a great tie-up fig and as one that can open the way for the rest of the squad with her defense-canceling SP. Just superb here.

Oh, and that Power Plant resource? I almost entirely forgot to use it. That’s how well this team worked. :)


Looking forward to what the new Nick Fury has to offer now.




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