Wow, I thought I’d set this up to publish a few days ago. Thought wrong. So instead of this appearing on a Wednesday as planned, here it is for a Friday installment.
I was going through memory lane and thinking of some of my favorite clix games of the year. And I thought of one from back in January: 2000 points, Golden Age. I can’t recall if there were any other rules or restrictions. But you can tell from the title what I chose to do.
Yes. That is a totally “Highlander” rule-friendly force of ALL BATMAN.
Batman [Arkham Origins] 140
Batman [Batman Classic TV] 100
Batman [Gotham City Strategy Game] 115
Batman [Streets of Gotham 047] 90 + Justice League [Silver Age] ATA 4
Batman [SoG 051] 101
Batman [SoG 052] 116
Batman [SoG 100] 102
Batman [Batman 001] 100 + Justice League [Silver Age] ATA 4
The Batman of Zur-En-Arrh [Batman 103] 153
Batman [Justice League New 52] 100 + Justice League [Silver Age] ATA 4
Batman [Dark Knight Rises 100] 105
Batman [DC 75th Anniversary 031] 77
Batman [Brave and the Bold 016] 74
Batman [Arkham Asylum 016] 64
Batman [Crisis 200] 90
Batman [Justice League 001] 75 + Justice League [Silver Age] ATA 4
Batman [Origin 214] 53
Dark Knight [Collateral Damage 223] 100 + Justice League [Silver Age] ATA 4
The Bat-Man [Superman 046] 81
The Batman [Dark Knight Rises 029] 140
=1996 points. Each a different sculpt.
In a 2000-point game, the mega cheese can really come out. Especially in an event that allows any figure like this one did — note the normally not-tournament-legal Origin 214 Batman.
Here’s how it went, roughly:
ROUND ONE, opponent Aaron stuck me on the Lord of the Rings Helm’s Deep map, one with very little hindering terrain for Batmen against his Iron Man-heavy force. But Batman always has a plan. I began to smash walls to make patches of hindering for the Stealthy Bats. Unfortunately, moving so many pieces made me forget to use Outwit to counter Iron Man’s Indomitable, which cost me 100 points — the only ones scored in this super-slow-moving game. 0-1.
ROUND TWO was against colossal Ziran. How did THAT happen, after my opening loss? The Batswarm actually passed 2 of the 3 tests [Leadership and 5 team abilities, I think — using that ATA saved me]! But it really isn’t THAT vulnerable.
1 | a character that can use Smoke Cloud on their opening click? |
2 | a character that can use Force Blast on their opening click? |
3 | a character that can use Battle Fury on their opening click? |
4 | a character that can use Energy Explosion on their opening click? |
5 | a character that can use Mind Control on their opening click? |
6 | at least 5 different team abilities? |
7 | at least 5 characters of 50 points or less? |
8 | at least 5 characters with Unique rings? |
9 | a character that can use Enhancement on their opening click? |
10 | a character that can use Leadership on their opening click? |
11 | a character that can use Support on their opening click? |
12 | a character that can use Defend on their opening click? |
The bold ones are all covered on this team, and, if I’m first player, I could use GC Bats’ Utility Belt trait to choose either of the italic ones for the game before Ziran got to test. That leaves only half the list available. POW!
I was stuck on a stark map whose name escapes me with no cover. Good thing I had a few Batmen with Smoke Cloud to give them some anyway. Thanks to some key penetrating damage attacks, the Batmen actually wore Ziran to about mid-dial. But that wasn’t enough to offset losing actual figures. 0-2.
ROUND THREE, my female counterpart chose Fangorn from the Two Towers, a spectacular map for Batman thanks to all the hindering terrain everywhere, to run her hodgepodge of figures from her small collection. I had most of the control of this match because she was a relatively new clixer. But despite an early shot on Legolas, I was unable to finish him off and nearly lost.
FINAL: 1-2. I won fellowship, though, being about the only seasoned player who didn’t bring massive cheese. And, of course, that many Batmen is just all kinds of awesome F.U.N.!