No. 10
Superior Spider-Man [Deadpool 060]
With Improved Movement Charge, Super Strength, Outwit and damage that can’t be reduced below 1, this figure doesn’t seem to belong on the worst list, even here as the best of the worst.
But he does. Oh, how he does, for a lot of reasons.
- He’s more than half your standard team. At 160 points, he’s got to be able to handle the heavy lifting. But as the intro made plain, he’s capable enough here. Or would be, if he weren’t…
- …so dependent on his Spider-Bots. Attaching a Mark 1 bot boosts his Super Senses rolls, and attaching a Mark 2 model beefs his Outwit range to 8. But A) it takes a power action to attach either — actions he ought to be using for attacks — and B) that’s 10-20 MORE points you risk when fielding him, because…
- ...his only defense is a dialful of Super Senses. And there’s this little pink attack power that combos with every single method of attacking and ignores SSenses completely. Precision Strike EATS HIS SOUL.
Those Spider-Bots aren’t so hot, either. Both have neat abilities that only work when three or more can swarm a foe. Their 4 Speed and 0 range means that will never happen — not when each is easily destroyed thanks to having just 15 DV. Sure, you could attach two and carry a third via Tiny Size. But the attached ones don’t count toward those three and they can’t DEtach once on. Anyway, it’ll take three turns of sitting around burning power actions to do it, leaving OttoSpidey a sitting duck for that PStrike attack that’s totally coming his way, what with some 250 characters possessing the power.
At 120 points, he’d be fine, I think. But as he is?
NOT Superior.
No. 9
Cheetah [Superman and the Legion of Super-Heroes 017a] and [Legion of Doom Fast Forces 003]
So the main set one’s got this trait that grants +1 to all her stats when she picks a foe to hate. Which would be great if her starting AV, DV and damage weren’t an anemic 9, 16 and 1, respectively.
This also puts the player in a bind. Do you select an opposing character she can kill easily, but then lose the bonuses, or is it better to choose an enemy who’ll be around long enough to make use of the +1s?
Does it matter? Even with the buffs, she’s a decidedly mediocre 5-click fig, even for just 50 points.
Then Heroclixin’ looked at her version in the Fast Forces that released at the same time for the same number of points and wondered why we left her off the list: She has similar stats (pre-boost, mind you) and lack of even the Charge that the other Cheetah at least has. And she loses a click of life because she’s got to make room for the terrible Injustice League team ability.
More tomorrow.