Seven Soldiers vs. Gotham — REMATCH

I had intended to start a series on event dials with this post, but got heavily sidetracked by my job search, daily life and, of course, more HeroClix games. 

June 5, 2009





Frankenstein 98 + Opportunist 10
Klarion 76
Zatanna 72
Bulleteer 69 + Unstoppable 5
R Mister Miracle (Origin) 64 + Loner 5
SR Shining Knight 48 + Double-Time 5
U Guardian (Collateral Damage) 47
= 499 points


Batman (Arkham Asylum chase #99) 120 + Protected 8 + Opportunist 10
Batman (Arkham Asylum) 64
Nightwing 79 + Contingency Plan 12 + Takedown 6
Batman (Justice League) 75
Robin (Arkham Asylum) 66
Captain Gordon (Arkham Asylum) 50
= 490 points

Of course, he won the map roll (themed team bonus) and picked the Justice League Bank map. I picked the non-vault side and used the Kinetic Accelerator, Meteorite and Mass Absorber as my special objects. Lenny packed the Meteorite and Eleha’al Vine.

BBeyond taxied big Bat to office (so latter could freely build Opportunist tokens and throw down endless Smoke Clouds) while NW, Robin and OOTS Bats took positions on lobby and tellers’ desks. With Zatana I set Klarion to block LOF on the opposite end, careful to keep Klarion JUST outside Robin’s potential 7 range with his Tear Gas SP. Shining Knight brought Bulleteer to the KA right behind them. Miracle took Guardian to Frankenstein stayed in the starting area to build Opportunist tokens. 

Mr. Miracle and Klarion boosted Guardian’s speed and damage to Charge Batman off OOTS. I then moved Shining Knight to protect Guardian, but a  bad placement error got SKnight incapped by Nightwing for 1, then Meteorite’d by Batman Beyond for 1st KO. :(

Klarion got a HUGE SSenses to dodge BatBeyond’s crithit for 5 (base 3 + self-Perplex damage + crit bonus). OOTS Bats broke from Guardian and ran to the Vine. Meanwhile, I finally got Frankenstein on the move, picking up the Mass Absorber on the way.

Bulleteer got a good KA boost to try to one-shot Gordon with the Meteorite, but missed. To help protect her from a potentially crippling Charge+Flurry from big Batman, I plunked Miracle in the way, hoping his Loner-juiced DV would help him live through such an assault. Out in the lobby, Batman beyond took a boosted hit from Guardian but got knocked back onto hindering terrain and safe from a followup hit.

Big Batman took his shot at Miracle, who Super Sensed the first nearly-guaranteed (thanks to 5 Opportunist tokens) Flurry hit attack but not the second. 

Finally, I had big Bats exactly where I wanted him.

Mr. Miracle used Willpower to Leap/Climb away with Bulleteer in tow, clearing a narrow line of fire for Frankenstein’s successful Indomitable Running Shot, which forced Lenny to burn Bats’ Protected. A followup pushing Charge with Guardian dealt actual damage.

A combo attack of Robin and OOTS Batman finished Guardian off, and both Gordon and Batbeyond retreated to the office behind the Bats. I taxied Klarion in position to attack him, but Nightwing incapped the witchboy and Gordon used Summon the Bat to jank big Batman well out of harm’s way.

Zatanna taxied Klarion in pursuit of the Arkham set Batmen while Bulleteer attacked OOTS Batman for another few clicks. Zatanna suffered the wrath of big Batman to become a 3rd KO, and again he got Summoned out of harm’s way.

Frankenstein had momentarily tied up Nightwing to protect Bulleteer from being shot up or Incapped from behind. But now that Bulleteer was finished with the finally-KO’d OOTS Batman, Frank was failing breakaway after breakaway (causing big problems in the other room, as Klarion and Miracle were ill-equipped to handle big Batman and the rest). Meanwhile, Robin had moved to Perplex Nightwing’s damage for hit after hit, pinging Frankenstein bit by bit. Finally, as Bulleteer fell at last, I swung for the hills against Nightwing while I still had Opportunist tokens to burn and later rolled well on a Blades roll. That dealt with the Contingency Plan problem and most of NW’s life. 

Eventually it came down to just Frank and Miracle against Nightwing and Robin. Frankenstein got taken down, and Miracle chased down the last-click ‘Wing. Unfortunately, this left Miracle on HIS last click…no match for the near-full AA Robin.

But…WOW. What a match! I really expected to get fairly rocked and socked against this powerful Bat-team but actually took it to the distance. Seven Soldiers really ARE better than they look.


Next week, look for reports on the Time Stealers and how I played Earth-2 Superman without Fortitude in a 400-point build.

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